The commands are part of a computer's operating system, and that is why, this time we will mention four of them, and what you should know about it.

sudo Iscsi Command

The first thing you should know is that to use this command it is important to install the entire package.

Now, taking into account that all the commands serve as a small instruction for the operating system to work correctly; It is also important to know the details of each one.

In this case the installation and configuration of the iSCSI command in Linux is not very complicated. You just have to do the following:

  • You must confirm the iscsi-initiator-utils, and make sure that device-mapper-multipah is also installed.
  • The next thing you need to do is connect to the Linux instance via an SSH client.
  • Then you must continue installing the multipath and the iSCI client, using the command: sudo yum install -y device-mapper-multipath iscsi-initiator-utils

Remember that multipath should be installed only if you want to failover between each of the file servers.

If this is the case, and you want the response not to take so long, the first thing you should do is set the timeout value in the /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf, with the value of 5 and not using the default value of 120.

  • Now, start to boot the iSCSI, with the command: sudo systemctl start iscsid
  • It is important to verify the version of Linux that is installed on your device, because another of the commands that you can use is the following: sudo systemctl start iscsid. This is just in case the above doesn't work.
  • You have the possibility to verify that the service is working perfectly, placing the command of: sudo systemctl status iscsid.service, The system should immediately respond to you.

Configure iSCI on Linux

  • In the event that the desire is to perform an automatic failover, it is important to configure multipathing, and the following command is used: sudo mpathconf --enable --with_multipathd and
  • The next step is to determine the initiator name of the Linux host with the following command: sudo cat /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi

sudo isblk-fm Command

This type of command is used to order the information of the devices in blocks, which can be hard drives, cd-roms, among others. All you have to do is place what appears in the reference image:

By placing this command, all the partitions of the disks that are inside the operating system immediately appear. Generally, reference is made to three disks: two internal ones that are the sda ​​and the sdb, and the external one that would be the sdc.

With this command you even have the opportunity to verify its size, or any other data that is of interest to you.

sudo fdisk -I Command

It is a well-known command because it handles sort entire partition table of operating system disks. It is very easy to consult, you just have to place everything that appears in the image that we leave you, below:

This is another way to know all the information about the partitions and disks that are integrated into the Linux system.

df -h Command

The df command is the specialized to see all the space that is occupied or that is free in the file system. To know all this data, it is important to carry out all the commands shown in the following image:

The commands mentioned in this article are not the only ones that work perfectly to know the information and data found on the different disks and partitions. However, they are one of the most important, for that reason, today they were mentioned.