If you want to learn how to see last followed people on instagram We must tell you that you are in the right place.

Many do not handle the information that this can be done on Instagram, in this way you can keep a personal record of the last accounts that you are following, both you and any other account in which you want to find out this.

How to see the last followed people on Instagram step by step

  • Mainly from your device either Android or iOS, You will need to check that there are no pending updates for the Instagram app in the app store.
  • Clarified this first point, you must go directly to your profile and then what you have to do is press the icon of your profile picture. This is located right at the bottom right.
  • When you have reached this point, what you should do is access the tab that says "Followed".
  • When this is opened, you must locate yourself in a section that bears the name Sorted by. Then you have to touch right on the arrows that point both up and down.
  • Now a small window will be displayed and in it you must select “Date: Most Recent”.
  • After you do all this, is when you will be able to see all those people that you have started to follow lately.

As soon as you have carried out this process, you will be able to see that It will mainly show all the accounts you recently started to follow on Instagram for Android. This will allow you to quickly see what these accounts are. For this reason, if you've been doing this because you want to find a particular account and you can't remember the name, you can do it with this method.

This method applies especially to an account that you know you have recently started to follow. Remember that this method does not show them all, If you decide to change the order, then you will be able to see the accounts that you have followed the longest on Instagram, this means in a few words that they are the ones that you have started to follow since you used this application.

How to see last followed people on Instagram using other accounts

Surely after knowing this process you are wondering if you can know the same using other accounts. The answer is that if you can, and for this you only have to know the appropriate procedure, which is the following:

  • You open instagram from your device.
  • Press where it is located profile picture.
  • then you have to go directly to the accounts you are following.
  • As soon as you have arrived here, you must search the name of the person in question.
  • Now you must enter your Instagram profile.
  • After doing this, you should go to the list of accounts followed.

When you have finished this process, you will be able to know who your partner is following. This method is not only limited to your partner's accounts, you can also apply it to anyone else you want to follow up with. Of course, remember that it is not totally ethical nor is it legal, so you must be careful to avoid a problem with this.

As a precautionary measure, the only thing we can recommend is that you do this very carefully so that you are not discovered by anyone.

By Manuel Garrido

Graduated in Computer Science, passionate about writing and technology. In Digital Guides I am going to offer you the best tutorials of the tools that I master the most, as well as recommendations of apps and programs that will surely interest you.