see instagram profile without being friends
see instagram profile without being friends

Has it ever happened to you that you want to see a person's Instagram profile but it's private? This can be a bit frustrating, since you depend on sending him a friend request and then accepting you. But what if not? That is why today we explain how to see a private instagram profile without being friends.

Is it possible to see someone else's private profile on Instagram?

Yes, it is possible to see the private profile of another person on Instagram, but like everything, some ways are not safe and others do not guarantee you to see all the photos, so we recommend you take precautions and be respectful with those who want to keep their privacy.

private instagram account message
Instagram private account message. If this message appears, you will not be able to view their photos or videos.

Keep privacy on social networks It is something that, in part, guarantees your safety. This way you can control who your friends are on Facebook or who follows you on Instagram. In other words, you know who has access to what you upload to the networks.

However, a fundamental part of having a greater reach is to have a public profile that everyone can visit without problems. It is for this reason that content creators have their profiles on public social networks.

So, knowing this information, how can I view photos on Instagram from private profiles? Let's look at ways to achieve this below.

Methods to view the photos of a private Instagram profile

There are several options when trying to view a private profile on Instagram. However, from now on we tell you that not all of them guarantee you a resounding success. In fact, being accepted by a person with a private profile is the only legitimate way to view and interact with their posts.

Create a secondary profile

Secondary Instagram account

Although it may seem toxic (and it is), this is one of the most used ways to view a private instagram profile. What differentiates them from the others? That if the user takes their time and creates a convincing profile with photos of who they claim to be, travel and more, it is possible that the person with the private profile will accept their friend request and thus be able to see their photos.

What we recommend when using this option is to be cautious and have a lot of be careful not to steal someone's identity when you create the profile. Do not use photos of celebrities or names of well-known people, as you could get into legal trouble for identity theft. In fact, they don't have to be famous people for this to be illegal: you can't do it from anyone, popular or not.

We recommend that you visit our list of ideas for names for Instagram originals. With this collection of names you will have hundreds of examples that will serve as inspiration.

Use Facebook to view a profile

Facebook friends to see photos of a profile

It is public knowledge that Facebook owns Instagram and therefore both apps are related to each other. That is, if the person has it configured, the content that a person posts on Instagram may instantly be posted on Facebook.

But what does this have to do with anything? Simple, maybe the same person you do not have your Facebook configured with the same privacy. Perhaps anyone is able to access your profile and see your photos, or maybe only friends of your friends are able to see your content.

Make use of Google

Google is that tool that is like the “reliable old lady” meme. He can always get you out of trouble. This time you can use Google to see the posts of a private profile on Instagram. This works since the person used a hashtag or was tagged in a public profile post.

Ask a friend for help

Friend who teaches you Instagram account

This is the safest and easiest way of being able to see private Instagram profiles. Why? Just imagine that your friend follows that person and can access the private profile. Just ask him for help. Perhaps with some captures or, if he is by your side, that he lend you his mobile so you can see the photos.

Use the hashtag tool

Have you heard the saying: it's like finding a needle in a haystack? The same thing happens here. You may find a picture of that person if you hit the hashtag, but how many photos are not related to the hashtag you used?

It is possible to send a private message to a person who does not follow you on Instagram

Sending a private message on Instagram to a person who does not follow you is not complicated. And much less if you already know which Instagram account you want to send the message to.

However, there is one thing you should keep in mind: your message will not arrive in that person's main message boxInstead, it will be in a folder called "Requests".

Instagram message requests

Now, once the person opens their messages, they will have a notification in the Requests section, they will only have to go to it and select your message. The point is that this person can read your message and decide what to do with it: reply to it, move it to the main or general tray, or simply delete it and not reply to you.

All this without the Instagram app notifying you if the message was opened or read. For this reason, we recommend that you do not depend on this tool to make contact with someone, since it may not work.

Can I send a private message to someone I'm not friends with on Facebook?

Part of guaranteeing your security is controlling who are the people who have access to your information. However, it is also important to know who can and cannot contact you.

In the first instance, all the people who are not your friends and that they can find your Facebook profile they can send you a private message. Where does the difference lie? Well, in that the messages will arrive in a different tray than the main one.

This is why even if you send a private message to a person you are not friends with on Facebook, this it does not guarantee that the person will read it. Therefore, we recommend that you do not trust this option to resume contact with an old friend.

Now, if after reading this you are curious and you want to know if they have written you private messages, you must go to Facebook, enter Messenger and once there:

  • Press the button Options (...).
  • Press Friend requests.

There you will see two categories: «People you may know" Y "spam«. Now it's up to you to check both sections and see how many people have sent you a private message.

Is it possible to view a person's private profile on Instagram with apps?

The concrete answer is no. There is no secure application that allows you to see a person's private Instagram profile. Now, what does exist are unsafe applications that allow you to see the content of that person's profile in a blurred way.

However, these tools take advantage and steal your information when you download it, since they ask you to register. In addition, they also seek to infect your mobile with viruses or malware. So the recommendation is that you do not use any of these applications that tell you to guarantee to see the photos of a private profile on Instagram.

In the same way, here we leave you a list of the most famous applications that claim to access the private profile of a person, but as you just read, they do not get it:


How to reinforce the security of your profile by creating a private profile?

In the first instance, if you want to strengthen the security of your Instagram profile, you must make your profile private. In this way you will have an exact and detailed control of the people who follow you.

To make your profile private, you just have to access your account menu, and click on the Security and Privacy option. There you will find the possibility to activate the private account.

Now, others things you can do to improve security of your Instagram profile can be:

  • Don't accept requests from people you don't know.
  • Increase your security on Facebook, so that they do not access your photos through that social network.
  • Do not say the exact location in the photos you post.
  • Block or report anyone you think is suspicious.

Of course violating the safety of another person is an illegal act that in Digital Guides we do not support. All the content you just read was made for informational and educational purposes.

In this way we can help stop people from downloading apps of this type that may put your personal information at risk. As well as they can improve the security of their social networks so as not to suffer any type of abuse.

By Hector Romero

Journalist in the technology sector for more than 8 years, with extensive experience writing in some of the reference blogs on Internet browsing, apps and computers. I am always informed of the latest news regarding technological advances thanks to my documentary work.